murphShoshone School District and Lincoln County Recreation Center are excited to announce they are an official host for the “MURPHY CHALLENGE 2024” to honor the memory of all that have served our country in the military. This event will be kicked off by Eli Gough, Director of the Lincoln County Recreation Center, in the gymnasium at Shoshone Schools, 2:30 p.m. on May 22, 2024.


Shoshone Schools and  Lincoln  County  Recreation  Center  will  have  equipment and modified options set up and ready to go on the day of the challenge.  While the challenge is not about the time, we will provide a time for those participants interested in the “Murphy Leaderboard.”  More information about this event is available at

To register through the school, participation is $15 per student and $25 per adult. Please complete and return the registration form below, along with cash or a check payable to Shoshoneshirt Schools to either the elementary or H.S. office.   

If you cannot attend but would like to donate $15 for a Shoshone student to participate, that can’t afford the registration fee, please check the donation box below and send cash or a check payable to Shoshone Schools to either of the school offices.

In order to ensure you receive a t-shirt on challenge day please register no later than Tuesday, April 30.   All participants that complete the challenge will earn a “Murphy”  t-shirt.  If  you  register  through  the  school  your  t-shirt  will  be presented with much fanfare upon  completion of the  challenge.  If you register through  the  fee  begins  at $35.00  and your t-shirt will be mailed to you.